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Samsung Adds A Welcome Spin to Winter

This winter Samsung  brings you cutting edge technology with a promotion everyone loves.

Finding ways to save money is a crucial pursuit for many South Africans, who have to juggle numerous expenses in a tight economy. Keeping water and energy bills low is one way to ensure there is more disposable income to go around. That’s why Samsung’s AddWash Front-Loader Washers make so much sense. Built with water and energy conservation in mind, they save energy, use less water and ultimately spare your pocket.

With a conservation focus, Samsung considered the frustrating scenario of getting a load up and running and then discovering a few items of clothing that didn’t make it into the machine. Instead of having to wash a second load, Samsung has eliminated this water and energy-sapping process with its innovative AddWash functionality, which lets you simply and quickly add forgotten clothes and items after a cycle has already started.

In order to further save on bills, Samsung’s AddWash Front-Loader Washers feature a Digital Inverter Motor, which delivers superior energy efficiency, minimal noise and long-lasting performance. The Digital Inverter Motor uses strong magnets for a quieter and more powerful performance while consuming less energy than a conventional Universal Motor.

In keeping those daunting bills down, Samsung’s Eco Bubble technology delivers powerful cleaning, even at low temperatures. Your detergent is turned into bubbles, so it quickly penetrates the fabric and removes dirt easily, while protecting the fabric and saving energy.

And if the AddWash sounds amazing to you, you’ll definitely love the fact that it is one of the Samsung washing machines in the Wash Days campaign with OMO. The popular partnership between Samsung laundry appliances and OMO auto liquid has been designed to provide a highly efficient, stress-free laundry experience. Better still, if you purchase a Samsung AddWash, Ecobubble or Activ DualWash washing machine you will qualify for an OMO Wash Day hamper from participating stores*.

*Terms and conditions apply