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How to get gorgeous glowing skin

Your face is the first thing people notice about you. Gorgeous glowing skin is all the rage these days. While cosmetic companies would like you to think that their products will take care of all your skin issues, it is important to know that genetics have a big role to play in the quality of your skin. According to Easy DNA,

“Genetic factors can dictate your skin’s elasticity and hydration as well as your susceptibility to skin conditions like acne and cellulite”. If you have not won the genetic lottery, don’t despair.  There are still ways to take care of your skin.

In this day of hyper-productivity and doing it all, sleep is one of the easiest things to sacrifice. However, good quality sleep is essential for glowing skin and overall well-being. Good quality sleep allows your body to repair itself.  The Women’s Institute notes that, “one of the primary functions the skin experiences during sleep is fluid metabolism and detoxing, which are necessary for leveling the skin’s hydration. During healthy sleep, the skin regains moisture while also processing toxins for detoxification.”

Next up on the list is nutrition. Before you spend hundreds of Rands on expensive creams, make sure you are giving your body the right nutrition to nourish itself. Your skin is the body’s largest organ and is a reflection of your overall health. Cleveland Clinic recommends adding fish to your diet, to firm up your skin. Make sure you are eating foods rich in vitamins C and E and antioxidants.  Remember “eating too many processed or refined sugars and foods with high glycemic index, dairy, carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats can actually cause skin inflammation, irritation, and breakouts and encourage the aging process of your skin,” Cleveland Clinic advises.

The final step is skincare. There are a number of products you can include in your routine to help your skin look amazing.


Help improve collagen production and cell regeneration, which gives the skin its plump and youthful appearance. Retinols come in different strengths and it might take time for your skin to adjust to the product.  It is recommended to start with a low percentage strength a few times a week and gradually build up once your skin becomes used to the product.


Exfoliating once or twice a week will help keep your skin looking clear and healthy. It helps remove dead skin from the surface and bring new skin to the surface. Gone are the days when people would use harsh scrubs to exfoliate. There are new, more effective chemical exfoliants in the market such as AHA’s and BHA’s. These are mild acids that help with things like uneven skin tone.


Sunlight is vital for vitamin D which humans need for healthy bone health.  According to the United Kingdom’s (UK) National Health Service “We need vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and phosphate from our diet”. Too much sun exposure is bad for our skin and can lead to life threatening conditions such as skin cancer. 

Dermatologists recommend using half a teaspoon of a minimum SPF30 sunscreen for your face, ears and neck for sufficient coverage. There are some skin care products that make the skin more sensitive to the sun. Check the directions for use to ensure you are covered.

Before beginning a new skin regimen, be sure to consult your doctor or dermatologist. This is especially important for people who have sensitive or acne-prone skin. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your great skin.