Destiny Connect

Navigating The Great Return To The Workplace

It’s official! We’re back: feet under desks, in-office, off-screen and in high-speed, target-ready recovery mode. It’s go-go-go as The Great Return is locked in, clocked in, and loaded — with the entire workforce collared-up for every 9-5 working minute of it. We are all back to work with an altered, transformed work culture and leaders are finding themselves in uncharted waters; with their work cut out for them in ways that extend far beyond a P&L.  

The fear is real. As is the responsibility to lead a company — with tens, hundreds or thousands of employees — back to business. CEOs are being forced to question: what did our company culture once look like? What should our company culture look like now? And how do we work to win? Many leaders are grappling with the confidence to reinstate traditional policies, to set down rules and to rebuild their company culture while having the courage to lead it.  

Kerry Morris, CEO of South Africa’s leading specialist recruitment agency, The Tower Group, says: “It’s hard – not just for the employees but for the business owners too; there are many moving parts in returning to the office, and the spotlight is on Executives, CEOs and Business Owners to make decisions; but we don’t have the answers because – guess what – we are scared as hell too; and this makes leading our companies in the current landscape a ‘not so peachy’ experience.” 

As a means to building better in the Covid Century, Morris weighs in with her 3 how-to’s of learning to lead again and rebuilding a company, from fear to future-proof.   

You’re not going to be everyone’s peach.

Boundaries are important, but not everyone likes them. Example: wearing tie-dye on Zoom was once considered cool, but it isn’t acceptable at Head Office; what this means is that some rules are here to stay – and the sooner you communicate this to your staff, the sooner they will come to accept it.

But – there will always be those tie-dye vigilantes that’ll snub you in the kitchen, the corridor, the bathroom and even, on social media. It’s okay. As a leader, you need to be okay with not being the most popular person in the room.

How to be okay with not being everyone’s peach:

‘Sell don’t tell’ your Company Culture.

Everyone in the business needs to be aligned with the voice of the brand, the objectives of the brand and the ‘selling strategy’ of the business – and it starts with the ones at the top. As a leader, you’re either selling or telling what your company and culture is — and the two get very different results: one gets buy-in and the other doesn’t.

How to sell your company culture to your people:

Be the Energy in the Room

As a leader your energy informs your office culture, ultimately. Prompt your team to take responsibility for the energy they bring into the building, the meeting, the room.

It seems face-to-face interaction is not entirely enough these days, leaders need to dig a little deeper and show up with energy, with commitment and with a new and evolved mindset to inspire, not deplete. The team will follow suit.

How to evoke good energy inside your office space: 

“It’s tougher than anyone can expect at the top, and that’s why you’re there: to make the tough calls, to trust your gut, to take the reins and to lead. There will be some who will not choose to follow you – but those that do – will become accountable for achieving a singular aim: success,” says Morris.

“While company culture is meant to be led, not lost, the onus is on the front-runners to set the tone, the office constitution and the company culture for what is truly right for the business. As leaders, the vision sits with us – it always has,” says Morris.