Destiny Connect

Thank you for sharing your stories

Thank you!

The waves of stories put forth in tweets, videos, essays etc., have been incessant, each crashing down upon us with little chance to breathe before the next one. Mazanzi, thank you.

All #Herstory collections will be available on  and will help other women experience breakthrough moments of self-acceptance, self-love and self-confidence. A moment reading or watching your shared story will be moments when they overcome the expectations of others and decide to live their lives as they choose.

African women, when you share your story with other women, the words would be enveloped in the vulnerability that you have successfully channelled into strength; the fears that held you back and the courage you found within that fear to surmount a challenge that seemed impossible at the time. You are a change maker, o tshimega, jy is ‘n inspirasie, uyasikhuthaza!

Your story will help others recognise and claim the power of #Herstory, and with that, She will discover her ability to achieve her biggest, boldest dreams despite the obstacles she may face in present and in future.


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