Destiny Connect

Podcasts to listen to if you want to make a change in your life

New year, new me, or so the saying goes. However, anyone who has tried to set and stick to New Year’s resolutions knows how hard it can be to make the changes required to achieve those goals. If you have struggled with sticking to your intentions, we have compiled a list of podcasts to listen to. These could help you achieve your goals this year.

Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

Adopting new habits can be daunting. The best way to go about it is by making small changes that add up over time.  As the saying goes, “The best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.”

Tiny Leaps, Big Changes describes itself as “a personal development podcast focused on exploring the day-to-day behaviours we all engage in that determine the results we gain in our lives.” The podcast is hosted by Gregg Clunisand shares simple strategies you can implement into your life to start moving the needle towards your biggest goals. The podcast tackles topics such as How to Avoid Overwhelm, How to Improve Decision Making, and How to Pursue Happiness without “Toxic Positivity”

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The Charged Life

Want to live an extraordinary life? The Charged Life podcast can help you reach your goal. Host Brendon Burchard will help you identify your blind spots when it comes to building a life that thrills you. The podcast covers topics such as believing in yourself, how to deal with rejection, and how to live a life of passion.

Happier With Gretchen Rubin

Given the state of the world over the last two years, we all could do with a little bit of joy. It’s difficult to know where to start when the whole world seems to be going up in flames; however, author and podcaster Gretchen Rubin is on a mission to make the entire world is more joyful. Her podcast focused on giving people tools to improve their lives and eventually fall in love with the lives they have created.

The Habit Coach

For many of us, time is a valuable asset. Podcast host Ashdin Doctor, the habit coach, takes you through the creation of simple easy-to-do habits in less than ten minutes. “Habits we can all incorporate into our lives. Habits around, health, sleep, de-stressing, productivity, movement, nutrition and relationships,” he explains. Ashdin Doctor has spoken about how emotions boost our habits, and how to organize your energy levels throughout the day.