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The most in-demand skills for the South African job market

Here is a list of the most in-demand skills for the South African job market. Things are not looking good for South African job seekers at the moment. The job market lost over half a million jobs in the third quarter of 2021. We have compiled a list of the most wanted skills to give you a leg up on the job search.

The latest CareerJunction Index, which “represents online labour dynamics in South Africa by providing a detailed analysis of the relative ratio of supply and demand in the online job market,” has created a comprehensive list of skills that are in high demand.

The index is created by gathering data from the online job search website CareerJunction.

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Next in demand are Finance Managers. The number of vacancies listed for general managers went up by 18 per cent in October, most of which were for Finance Managers.

Coming in third was Representative / Sales Consulting.  The Index noted the number of jobs listed for these skills increased by 12 percent year on year.

If you do not have these skills, here are the top five sectors with the most promising. Due to the pandemic, the health sector has seen exponential growth in employment prospects. The next is the IT sector, followed by architecture and engineering, sales and business management.