Lend a hand(stand)! - Destiny Connect

Lend a hand(stand)!

Lend a hand(stand)!
Woman practicing yoga at home

We’re just over a week into the 21-day lockdown and by now, you’ve probably been inundated by challenges. The reality is that while we hunker down and stay at home to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, many people are without the necessities that make this ordeal bearable. Businesses are haemorrhaging money due to the lockdown and many of their staff are faced with scary times ahead.

It’s not all doom and gloom, however. You can support a small business of your choice by lending a handstand.

“The Johannesburg Gymnastics Club [JGC] has launched a new challenge to the public: find a sponsor for your doing a handstand a day for the next 100 days, or sponsor someone else, or simply donate to keep small businesses you love standing,” say the organisers.

The rules are simple:

  1. Take a video or photograph of yourself doing a handstand each day (the date shows on the platform to which you submit it).
  2. Share it on social media with the hashtag #KeepUsStanding, tag the businesses you’re pledging to support. Alternatively, nominate a friend you’re sponsoring to do the handstand challenge and submit a picture or video of them doing it day.
  3. Visit: www.backabuddy.co.za/handstandchallenge to donate to a small business.

“For us small business-owners, the past week has been a gut-wrenching, heart-churning time when we’ve all been overcome with fear and despair, but also determination to get through this as best we can. We’re asking our community and the world, at large, to do this for us and challenging people to do the same for you. Helping others is the best way to get your courage and faith back,” says JGC owner Ilse Pelser.

You don’t have to spend much – anything from 50c to R1 or R10 a day can help keep a small business afloat and make a world of difference to those battling to survive these dark times.


About author


Zimela has been a multimedia content producer and writer for 10 years and an “insufferable feminist” for six. When she’s not battling writer’s block, you’ll find her practising the ukulele or watching documentaries on Netflix.
Zukiswa Zimela